Art by C. Faltis

Art by C. Faltis, 2005. (Courtesy of Marcos I. Dávila)

Donald J. Trump's promise to deport undocumented immigrants “en masse” (if he wins the presidency) does not make sense. It is not serious, nor does it work in reality. This simply would not solve anything about the so-called “broken immigration system.” 

Assuming that Trump wins the presidency, assuming that he deports absolutely each and every one of the undocumented immigrants living in the United States, what then? If they deport everyone, do you seriously think that that filthy wall is going to stop the daily flow of migrants? The very history of the wall is proof of its ineffectiveness.

What good is that wall if major problems such as insecurity, lack of jobs and lack of access to health and education still persist in migrant-exporting countries? What's the point of having deportations as an objective if your wall is useless? 

The wall has never served its purpose. It is currently useless and in the future, even if they finish building it completely down to the last inch, it will still not fulfill the supposed purpose for which it was created.Community Verified icon

How do you expect millions of poor, desperate people who are willing to improve their living conditions and looking for better paying jobs to understand the way of thinking of the typical American conservative? Conservatives must believe that they will somehow persuade the migrants with rhetoric. Go ahead and explain to millions of desperate people around the world that jumping over the wall is an “illegal” action. Good luck with that!

The wall on the U.S.-Mexico border has become a symbol of the conservative way of thinking, which consists of dehumanizing people and not really looking at the causes of the problem to find a true solution. 

More specifically, the wall is useless, deportations are useless and conservatives, well, conservatives will be conservatives.  

Marco Dávila lives in Minneapolis with his family, and writes about immigration in his free time.

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