With Latinos representing nearly half of Los Angeles County's population, Northgate González Market is partnering with trusted nonprofits to e…
Amairani Hernandez
Local sports teams, including the Los Angeles Dodgers and 11 other Southern California teams, have committed over $8 million to support wildfi…
On Tuesday, January 7, Salomón Huerta drove to his art studio in Westwood like any other day.
Labor Community Services, a nonprofit organization that usually distributes food every Tuesday in Mission Hills, expanded their operations thi…
On Monday morning, the Immigration Justice Collaborative, the United Farm Workers Foundation (UFW), the Rapid Response Network, Kern ACLU, Bui…
On Friday morning, farm workers, local residents and organizations like the United Farm Workers Foundation (UFW) and Rapid Response Network ga…
On Tuesday, January 7, the House of Representatives passed its first bill of the year, a border security measure mandating the detention and d…
I think we can all agree that being a first-time mom is not an easy job and there are plenty of learning experiences. Now that my son is three…
On Tuesday morning, Border Patrol was spotted in Bakersfield. Organizations like Loud for Tomorrow have posted on social media, highlighting t…