Since 1997, Helen Iris Torres has been deeply involved with Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE), recognizing the organization's growth potential since she began as a volunteer.
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Measles case reported in L.A.County
Telemundo host Myrka Dellanos responds after backlash for Mexico comments
Tornado lands in Pico Rivera; no injuries reported
Mario Lopez’s hug with accused sex trafficker Andrew Tate sparks backlash
12 restaurants are joining the Long Beach Taco Week celebration
Healthcare disparities put Latinos at greater risk for colorectal cancer
Santa Ana community marches for justice against recent police killing
South Gate Planning Commission sides with residents against truck yard operating without proper permits
Huntington Park City Council elects new mayor and vice mayor in major city shakeup
First-generation Latina will lead NALEO
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Liliana Andriani was born and raised in the vibrant city of Cali, Colombia. Her journey to become a powerful force for community welfare in th…
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My original intention with this interview with Dr. Lupillo Ramírez was to highlight the phenomenal experience of shopping at Mercado Northgate…
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With a heart full of faith and a passion for social justice, Hilda Cruz has spent the past two decades making a real difference in her communi…
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José Cano is a founder and drummer of Las Cafeteras. I met a few of Las Cafeteras at Cal State Long Beach on May 22, 2012 when I produced a pr…
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Marco González is the 20th of the Prosperity Series and I am now fluent enough in Other People’s Prosperity to understand that some people foc…
Pop-up dance party Preciosa Night always has lines that extend out the front door and down the street. The popular queer Latinx "perreo" was …
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Growing up in Granma, Cuba, Marco Palomino, a professional dancer, choreographer and director, remembers climbing trees, playing baseball and …
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Ten years ago, the rate of Latino homebuyers was just 45.6 percent, but just two years ago, the rate reached 48.6 percent, a key milestone for…
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Rebecca Alvarez Story has forged her own path within the intimate wellness space, creating products and breaking sexuality stigmas within the …
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Afroxander, aka Ivan Fernandez, told me: “I remember that I was writing for the school newspaper at Cal State University at San Bernardino and…
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The folks at CALÓ are writing personal columns on what Caló means to them. I have this perception from reading them and from listening to the …
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CALÓ News Staff Pick:Michelle’s pick!Name of businessConfidential CoffeeLocationDowntown Long Beach (137 W 6th St, Long Beach, CA 90802)Must o…
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I interviewed Ceci Bastida a few years ago when her song “Cuervo” came out. “Cuervo” had a certain sound that made me think that her artistry …
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Celebrating the Resilience and Achievements of Latinas on International Women's Day
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Joaquín Beltrán is a former software engineer turned community organizer running for California's 42nd Congressional District. He is a Democra…
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Memo Torres describes himself as a third-generation landscaper, the host of Yerbalife, a taco journalist, a director for LA Taco, a finalist f…
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With the support of New Economics for Women and decades of experience in the kitchen, Chef Juan Jose Sanjuan Ⅲ plans to bring his small-town r…
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In a journey from Mexicali to Silicon Valley to the hills above San Juan Capistrano, Patty Juárez has been able to become a homeowner three times.